Monday, November 28, 2016

Learning Challenge: Paying Attention

With the end of the semester rapidly approaching, I've been extremely distracted, tired, and not paying much attention to school.  I just can't seem to get or stay focused, so I decided to do a learning challenge about attention.  I browsed YouTube and found a TED Talk given by Chris Fraser over paying attention, so I decided to give it a watch.  Below are my thoughts.

I had never really thought about the concept of being "taught" to pay attention before; I always assumed it was something that just comes naturally when you're intrigued by something.  I know that's not the case, especially since I struggle with attention issues sometimes myself, but I never realized I could "learn" - in a classical way - to pay attention.  I liked Chris' idea of mindfulness being the key to learning to pay attention.  I think I could agree with that.  I thought his demonstration with the chime was interesting, but I don't know if it was strong enough to back up his talk.  I mean, anyone could pay attention for a chime for a handful of seconds, but I think people really struggle when they have to pay attention to something a) on their own accord and b) for long periods of time.  But maybe the key to that is as simple as being mindful in that moment to what you're doing. 

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